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6 Ways to Engage Your Followers and Fans

Social media feels like a game of chance sometimes. It sucks when you spend so much time creating the most amazing content, and you get no likes. Disclaimer: Numbers aren’t everything and going viral doesn’t need to be the answer when it comes to growing your brand. The truth is you want loyal followers who love your content and are more likely to engage when you do post. If you are struggling to get your followers to engage with you first you may want to try engaging them. When you speak to your followers they are more likely to respond back to you. Its time we treat every social media act as the beginning of a conversation. Here are some ways you can begin to boost engagement.

Schedule Your Content

When it comes to social media, timing is everything. Even in the digital world, you want to be in the right place at the right time. That being said, there is certainly more value in posting consistently rather than, posting constantly. If you want your content to be seen you need to post when your followers are most active. If you post at the same time every week when your followers open their social media they are more likely to engage with your content and the more they engage the more often your content will be the first they see. Scheduling content can be easy and hassle-free if you plan ahead. Start by gathering all your content ahead of time depending on how often you want to post this could be time-consuming. Once you have your content, you can use a scheduling platform that will automatically upload posts at a set time and date. The reward for creating and automating your posting schedule is you have now freed up more time to engage with your followers.

Engage with Your Audience

Engagement on social media is a two-way street. If you want your followers to engage with your content you must be willing to engage back with them. Someways you can engage with your followers are; commenting on posts, liking pictures, responding to DMs, sharing their content, responding and liking comments under your posts, and following back. Social Media was meant to be personable, so it’s important to remember that no one wants to talk to a wall. Be open and lively with your followers to begin the relationship.

Ask for User-Generated Content

If you offer a product or service ask your followers to share their personal experiences with your brand through testimonials, reviews, and even product images or videos. Remember that in social media both you and the follower can always benefit from engagement. These personal experiences give you an opportunity to not only build credibility but to also feature your followers on your page or story. Most people love seeing themselves on another page so don’t be shy. Your followers will love sharing with you when you make them feel special.

Conduct Surveys and Polls

Polls and surveys are a great way to learn about your followers and make your page more personable. You can ask a range of questions that will offer insight such as; likes and dislikes, interests, hobbies, locations, travel destinations, favorite foods, etc. Anything can be used to learn more about your followers so that you can tailor your content for them. Hopefully, you discover you have a lot in common with them too making engagement fun and effortless like talking to 1000 of your closest friends.

Live Streams

Going live on social media can be both nerve-racking and exciting. People love to watch videos on social media, but lives have a limited life span meaning your followers need to engage with it in real-time if they want to catch whatever exciting or funny activities you have going on. Live chats are also a good way to speak to your followers. Q&As are very popular right now giving you a chance to share so your followers can learn more about you. Don’t be nervous, go into your live with a plan and everything will run smoothly.

Online Contests

Everybody loves a little bit of friendly competition. That’s why contests are a great way to increase engagement on your page. You can create a fun game through sharing a riddle or asking questions many people will find satisfaction just in knowing they were right. If you want to hold a big contest offer a prize, everyone loves free stuff! To increase your reach, ask your followers to share the contest with their friends to enter. These kinds of online contest done on a regular basis can really draw a crowd. Over time you can develop a loyal following always looking for the next time to engage with you.

The key to having good engagement is to build that relationship between you and your following. Remember to create conversation by engaging and reward followers for being loyal.

Have you tried any of these tips to boost your social media? Share your social growth experience with us! Join The Ezer Tribe Group to get in on the conversation!

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